Attendance at TKAW

The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton believes that regular attendance is a key factor in the drive to raise standards of attainment and enhance the learning opportunities of all students. Poor attendance and punctuality is recognised as a key factor in underachievement and disaffection. It is the duty of all parents to actively promote and encourage excellent attendance with their children.

Students are expected to attend school every day. It is the responsibility of parents to perform their legal duty by ensuring their children who are registered at TKAW attend regularly and punctually. The school endeavours to support parents and students in this.

We are committed to:

  • Promoting excellent attendance and reducing absence
  • Ensuring full-time education for every student
  • Acting immediately to address patterns of absence and poor punctuality

Whole School Attendance Academic Year 2019/2020




Year 7


Year 8


Year 9


Year 10


Whole School


The national target for attendance is 96% and the school fell 0.3% below that target for the 2018/2019 academic year. Unauthorised holidays had the largest impact on failure to meet the 96% target, with an unprecedented number of students who travelled abroad for a prolonged period. Measures, such as targeted parental interventions have been arranged to ensure families understand the negative impact absences can have on both student attendance and their academic success. These measures will help to ensure the national target is met for the 2019/2020 academic year.

Term Time Leave

The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton require parents/carers to observe our term dates. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the Principal’s discretion. The Principal will not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. Where a leave of absence is granted, the Principal will determine the number of days a student can be away from school. The Principal will not authorise holidays during term time. Any requests for leave during term time must be made 5 days in advance in writing to the Principal.