Pupil Premium at TKAW
In 2011 the Coalition Government introduced a new funding stream, the Pupil Premium. This funding was to help schools in narrowing the academic attainment gap between groups of students.
The main indicator originally used to calculate each school’s entitlement was the number of students who were entitled to:
- Free school meals which now include the entitlement called ‘Ever Six’
- Children of Armed services
- Looked After Children (LAC)
From 2015/2016, pupil premium indicators include:
- Children Looked After (CLA) for one day or more,
- Children who have been adopted from care, have left care, or are under a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangement order.
The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton is a self-evaluating Free School and has worked with its identified groups of students to eradicate the academic attainment gap, over the last year. However, with this new funding, we have been able to access staff and strategies to support the development of the holistic child as well as academic and vocational experiences that would have been financially impossible before the Pupil Premium funding was introduced.