
Your eligibility to receive the 16-19 Bursary Award is conditional on you meeting expected standards of attendance at school, adherence to the School’s Behaviour Policy and satisfactory completion of work. The following procedures explain what is expected of you.


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You are expected to:

  • Register your attendance at Lesson 1 and at Lesson 4 with your subject teacher. If you have study periods, sign in at the sixth Form.
  • Achieve 100% attendance at all lessons.
  • Ensure you are punctual to all lessons and register your attendance.
  • Obtain advance permission for any absences.
  • Successfully complete all homework and coursework on time. The Sixth Form Manager will liaise with Form Tutors, subject teachers and the Head of Sixth Form to make sure deadlines are being met.

Authorised Absences

You are expected to follow School guidelines with regard to absences. For a known absence, you must obtain a Leave of Absence Form from The Sixth Form area which must be completed and returned with a covering letter at least one week prior to the absence.

For a specialist medical appointment, a letter from parent/carer (with attached evidence) should be brought to The Sixth Form Manager at least one week before the appointment.

Examples of absences which can be authorised with evidence in advance include:

  • A hospital or specialist medical appointment that cannot be arranged outside school hours.
  • A religious holiday pertinent to your faith.
  • A visit to a university, either to attend an Open Day or for interview, or for a career related interview.
  • Attendance at external examinations.
  • An appointment with a Careers Advisor, although these should normally be scheduled to avoid
  • disruption to your studies.
  • A work experience placement which is an integral part of your course and for which you do not receive a wage.
  • Participating in a significant extra-curricular activity, such as drama, music or sport or volunteering.
  • Court attendance.
  • Attendance at the funeral of a relative or close friend.
  • Practical driving tests.

The above list is not exhaustive. Please consult the Administrative staff for further guidance if necessary.

School should not have to be making telephone calls to parents to ascertain your whereabouts when you are absent. Your support from the Bursary Award may be stopped if you have not informed The Sixth Form Manager at least one week before any authorised absence.

Unauthorised Absences

Your bursary support is given on condition of satisfactory attendance and punctuality, in line with the School’s current attendance policy. It is your responsibility to notify the school before 8.45am if you are going to be absent from school.

Student attendance and punctuality is routinely monitored by the Sixth Form Manager to ensure compliance with the attendance policy and students who fail to meet a satisfactory level of attendance and punctuality may have their support for bursary suspended or stopped.

Assuming that the school’s procedures are followed, and all other criteria for receiving the support are being met, support may still be offered if there are extenuating circumstances and removing the support would be detrimental to the student’s continued attendance.

The above guidelines in relation to absences must be followed and every effort must be made to attend school punctually.

Other kinds of unauthorised absences include:

  • Routine medical appointments (Doctors, Dentist, Opticians, etc). Wherever possible these should be arranged during frees or home study and then will not affect your bursary.
  • Holidays
  • Part or full time work which is not part of your programme of study
  • Leisure activities
  • Birthdays or similar celebrations
  • Babysitting younger siblings
  • Shopping
  • Driving lessons (taken during timetabled lessons)