The Vision
The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton don’t just accept difference—we celebrate, we support, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our learners and our community. We are an inclusive academy and understand that every child is different, meaning every child’s educational needs are different. In our academy, we provide Quality First Teaching, together with scaffolding and modelling for our learners, alongside a range of provisions to help our learners to achieve.
We believe in ‘Together As One’.
Words from the SENDCO
The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton is a fully inclusive school and all teachers:
- Do everything they can to meet pupils’ special educational needs.
- Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in activities alongside their peers.
- Provide Quality first teaching alongside scaffolding and modelling for pupils and students.
We believe that our approach of ‘teach to the top and scaffold’ supports the focus on Quality First Teaching (QFT) for all and is of particular benefit to pupils with SEND.
The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton’s Inclusion department has one belief, “Together as one”.
At TKAW, we don’t just accept difference—we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our Pupils, students, and our community.
Our Inclusion team consists of Miss Evans ( who is the Assistant Principal for Inclusion, Mr Mann ( who is the Deputy SENDCO, 5 teaching assistants, 1 Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA), and an EAL teacher who all work with a wide variety of students all of whom have Special Educational Needs or English as an Additional Language. We provide in-class support to those pupils with the highest needs, alongside offering intervention and support programs to help close any learning gaps identified, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy. We also offer support and guidance to students in KVI.
Our ethos that pupils and students in our care will all be given the same opportunities to grow and develop is the motivation and encouragement behind the work we do every day, and the strong relationships we have with both pupils, students, and their parents/carers is extremely important to us all.
At all times we follow the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2014) and ensure that we meet all statutory requirements and expectations alongside observing our Academy’s SEND Policy. In addition to this, we have great working relationships with our Local Authority SEN Support Services and Inclusion Support Team, who provide us with expertise in the form of Specialist Advisory Teachers and Educational Psychologists.
The Inclusion team works closely with the pastoral team and teachers at TKAW to support the needs of our pupils and students, give assistance and advice to Teachers as required, ensuring that the whole school community are working together to establish and support each pupil and student.
Team inclusion are always available to welcome and support any pupil, student, and family into our department and we believe passionately that it is our role is to ensure all learners are able to cope, succeed and importantly achieve their dreams.
Local Offer
Please visit Wolverhampton | Local Offer to access the SEND Local Offer.
SENDCO Contacts
Academy SENDCO Contact: 01902 925 390
Academy SENDCO/AP for Inclusion | Amy Evans | |
Deputy SENDCO | P Mann | |
Local Advisory Board SENDCO | S Sandhu | |
Khalsa Academies Trust - Trustee SENDCO | P Nandaand | |
Pastoral Contacts
Academy Pastoral Contact: 01902 925 390
Trust Safeguarding Lead | S Shoker | |
Academy Safeguarding Lead | B Dusanj | |
Deputy Academy Safeguarding Lead | M Dhillon | |
Deputy Academy Safeguarding Lead | S Walker | |
Digital Deputy Academy Safeguarding Lead | N Seabridge | |
SEND Information Report
The Khalsa Academy Wolverhampton (TKAW) is a mainstream school and does not receive any specialist funding or resources for students with special educational needs. We believe we have a duty to raise the aspirations of and expectations for all students with SEND and the school provides a focus on outcomes for students and young people and not just provide hours of provision and support.
The school is committed to providing an ethos, environment and culture that are sympathetic to and understanding of the issues involved in providing a fair and appropriate education for students with special educational needs and disabilities.
Wolverhampton’s Local Authority Offer (Local Offer) where you can find a directory of help for children and young people with special educational needs in the Wolverhampton Local Authority.