KVI Attendance
Attendance must be no less than 96% in an academic year. Lessons are of vital importance as you work through the curriculum with your teachers and develop the skills necessary to perform well in the exams and in the coursework components. If you miss any of these you will have significant gaps in your learning. Tutor time and assemblies are mandatory and should not be missed as these are times when tutors track pupil progress and extend their learning beyond the confines of the curriculum.
This means that dental, optician appointments, driving lessons should not normally take place when lessons are timetabled. If you are going to be absent because of a visit then inform your Sixth Form Manager, your form tutor and subject teachers. It is your responsibility to copy up notes, obtain work sheets and see whether work has been set.
The following are examples of reasons for absence which would be acceptable:
- Medical/hospital/dental appointment unable to be organised outside school time supported by an appointment card or letter
- University interviews supported with a letter or other evidence
- Interviews with proof
- Bereavement/funeral of family or close friend
- Work Experience arranged or agreed by school
- Court appearance, probation meeting or appointment with Connexions personal advisor
- School planned or authorised trips
- Sitting external examinations
- Driving test
- Genuine disruption to the student’s mode of transport with supporting evidence
- Infrequent/emergency care required for a member of the family or other person for whom the student has caring responsibilities
- Religious holiday (applied for in advance)
The following reasons for absence would not be acceptable:
- Driving lessons
- Holidays taken during term-time
- Part-time job, including training associated with part-time job, which is not part of the student’s course programme
- “Personal problems” unless supported by Pastoral Care Staff
- Non-emergency appointments
- Sleeping in or missing train/bus
- Family excursions, leisure activities, birthdays, etc.
- Minor aches and pains
- Working at home so missed tutor time/assembly/lesson
- Frequent care for sibling/relative, unless alternative arrangements made for continuing the curriculum
- MUSIC FESTIVALS and other excursions should be strictly limited to holiday time
Attendance in lessons, assembly and tutor times is registered electronically by subject teachers and tutors. Your form tutor will follow up any absences. If lateness or absence continues without authorisation the student will have an interview with the Head of Sixth Form and parents will be informed.
If a student is absent from school for longer than five days due to illness, parents/carers will be asked to provide medical evidence to support the students’ absence. Students absent for more than 20 consecutive days may legally be removed from roll.
Leave of absence to enable a student to undertake employment cannot be granted, unless it is work experience approved or arranged by the school. Students are entitled to reasonable leave of absence to attend open days and interviews. This must be arranged in advance with the Sixth Form Manager and the Attendance Officer.